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Hands-on Fuzzing and Exploit Development (Advanced)
Module 1 (Egg Hunters)
Introduction (4:28)
Fuzzing (7:34)
PoC Creation (4:37)
Controlling the execution (10:37)
Bad character analysis (8:08)
Cracking the shell (14:22)
Module 2 (ASLR Bypass + Stack Pivoting)
Introduction (5:42)
Fuzzing (14:36)
PoC creation (4:59)
Bad character analysis (4:25)
Controlling the execution (ASLR Bypass) (13:55)
Controlling the execution (Stack Pivoting) (13:07)
Cracking the shell (12:30)
Module 3 (Unicode)
Introduction (4:05)
Fuzzing (10:48)
PoC Creation (8:31)
Controlling the Execution (SEH Overwrite) (11:33)
Controlling the execution (Aligning register for shellcode) (13:14)
Bad character analysis (8:20)
Cracking the shell (8:17)
Assignment: NetSetMan 4.7.1
Develop a working exploit for NetSetMan 4.7.1 (3:00)
Module 4 (Limited Buffer Space / Function Reuse)
Introduction (5:52)
Fuzzing (12:25)
PoC Creation (9:11)
Controlling the execution (12:13)
Bad character analysis (13:05)
Cracking the shell (First-stage payload) (24:08)
Cracking the shell (Second-stage payload) (7:11)
Bonus: BooFuzz Installation (9:18)
Module 5 (Acrobatics / QuickZip)
Introduction (3:37)
Fuzzing (Understanding ZIP file format specification) (13:43)
Fuzzing (Reverse engineering ZIP file structure) Part 1 (14:40)
Fuzzing (Reverse engineering ZIP file structure) Part 2 (10:21)
Fuzzing (Creating fuzzing script) (18:28)
Fuzzing (Fuzz QuickZip.exe) (12:06)
PoC Creation (8:09)
Controlling the execution (23:49)
Bad character analysis - Part 1 (17:05)
Bad character analysis - Part 2 (12:48)
Cracking the shell (Short Jump) (16:30)
Cracking the shell (Long Jump) (16:11)
Cracking the shell (Egg Hunter - Encoding - Part 1) (20:40)
Cracking the shell (Egg Hunter - Encoding - Part 2) (15:58)
Cracking the shell (Egg Hunter - Execution) (17:05)
Cracking the shell (Payload shellcode) (17:10)
Assignment: Kenward Zipper 1.4
Develop a working exploit for Kenward Zipper 1.4
Teach online with
Controlling the execution (Aligning register for shellcode)
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